Thank you! You inspired me to write my comments to the EPA. The entire Executive Branch of the government is out of control by the citizens and seems to be controlled by nefarious interests.

My comments to the EPA:

I strongly oppose this rule. There are at least seven reasons why this rule should NOT be implemented:

1. This rule is not based on protection of public health or for protection of the environment. The purpose of this rule is solely to attack the most reliable, affordable, dependable, dispatchable and domestically sourced fuels that power the American economy. The listing of premature deaths, emergency room visits, asthma attacks, school absence days and lost work days have absolutely nothing to do with carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere. The atmosphere currently has about 0.04% carbon dioxide or about 420 ppm. Just for reference the United States Navy has found the atmosphere in submarines to be safe and healthy at up to 5,000 ppm with a high limit of 8,000 ppm, which of course is only 0.8%. Further, NASA uses 4,000 ppm as the CO2 limit on the International Space Station and the atmosphere within the International Space Station routinely operates at 2,500 ppm CO2.

2. The excessive GHG Rules will destroy the reliability of America’s Electric Power Grid because, fossil fuels are the backbone of Dispatchable generation.

3. They will harm America’s Economy and make the U.S. less competitive with the world in manufacturing. Especially for electricity intense industries such as Primary Metals such as steel, copper and aluminum.

4. They will reduce our Freedoms of travel and harm the life-style of Americans. Especially transportation by limited availability of electricity for EV charging.

5. The proposed rules are based on environmental extremist’s viewpoints that are Ideologically based, not science.

6. The entire Climate Emergency is faked by the U.N. and the politicians in Washington as a way to control the world citizens with one world government. The Climate Policies are NOT about saving the planet or protecting the environment, they are about control of the citizens.

7. The proposed GHG Rules by the EPA will strengthen China and weaken America. Meanwhile, China produces over two times the carbon dioxide emissions as the U.S. and more than the U.S. and the EU combined.

The EPA is not creating regulations to protect public health. This proposed rule is part of weaponized government. Weaponized as an assault on the freedoms, the best interests and the health of the citizens of the United States of America.

Yours very truly,

Richard F. Storm

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Thanks, Dick. Your comments are right on target, Dick. The EPA needs to hear every single point you made. Hopefully, more are inspired to comment to EPA. As you know, most of the comments EPA receive are the ones written by members of the anti-fossil fuel NGOs who just send the form letter the NGO gives them. Ed

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