“ All of the governors want this to happen…”

Um, has he contacted Hochul?

Although this pipeline would help end the Northeast’s ridiculous need to import LNG to meet demand (when a couple hundred miles of pipeline would solve this problem).

Prices would certainly ameliorate, but I’m unsure if Hochul would want credit; she still labors under the misconception that “renewables” can power the world, and all needed power can be provided without thermal generation.*

Heck, NYS is suing the major hydrocarbons companies for “climate change.” I haven’t perused the briefs, but there’s been plenty in the news about NYS claiming climate change making storms stronger, etc.

I can’t wait for the defendants to pull out the handy IPCC chart showing no detected human attribution for more powerful storms, fire weather, duller laundry, etc.

Oh, and no attribution is expected for even any child born today.

Case dismissed.

Oh, even forgetting this case, I think it’s high time for the hydrocarbons majors to hold a press conference and state:

“We try to be good neighbors and provide products needed by NYers to stay warm in the winter, cool in the summers,and provide needed transportation ,refrigeration, power and lights.

“Contrary to what many people would lead you to believe, there are no viable plans to provide all needed power with “renewables.”

Even after decades, there has still never been a successful demonstration of grid-scale non-dispatchable power generation.

Non-dispatchable power is wind & solar - intermittent and not controllable.

Would it not be reasonable to expect that, as a prerequisite, any company responsible for building a power system to have a firm plan on paper to operate that system?

Now, we want to run as clean operations as much as anyone. But no one anywhere on earth has successfully built a power grid that operates year-round without some type of thermal generation. That is heating water to generate power.

Until that has been successfully achieved, and at a reasonable cost, it is unfair to all our customers, shareholders, AND stakeholders, for the state of NY to attempt to hold us responsible for global climate change and the effects of severe weather.

If you’re unaware, last year Governor Hochul signed legislation requiring us to pay $billions each year for 25 years. This is patently unfair, especially since the UN’s IPCC says no human attribution has been detected in severe weather.

But, please hear this: The NYS legislature has 90 days to repeal this statute.

If that has not happened at that time, we will stop all hydrocarbons sales in NY state. All gasoline, diesel, oil, natural gas, and hydrocarbons byproducts.

We urge citizens to contact their representatives to tell them to take action.

Every day we sell to NY residents the products they want and need for modern life, and we refuse to be forced to pay huge fines for conducting these voluntary transactions.

Worldwide, no country, grid or utility, save a few with geographical features allowing hydroelectric or geothermal power, have successfully demonstrated a 24/7 reliable system without at least some thermal generation.

Furthermore, in no U.S. state is their electric grid currently able to support mass EV adoption. NYS is no exception.

For example, in NYC there are only 6 fast chargers available.

We simply will not stand to be held hostage just for selling products people want and need.

Aspirations are wonderful .

But if the New York State's Climate Change Superfund Act is not repealed in 90 days we are ending the sale of all gasoline, diesel, oil , natural gas, and hydrocarbons byproducts in NY state. Thank you.”

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The Trump opposition doesn’t know what’s hit them - every direction they turn there is challenge and resistance to the leftist regime. When it comes down to electricity and heat, the citizens react harshly when the cost is just stupid high for just stupid reasons. Some leftists, very few but some, are coming around to understanding we need all of our extractive industries to be healthy - fully functional. The cost of commodity goods does not need to rise due to silly governmental regulations and federal departments home made rules. The WEF banner carrying is over, and not a minute too soon. The next exciting phase will be to root out federal staff that are not onboard with domestic economic health. States would be well advised to do the same.

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I agree, Jeff. The swamp monsters will not give up easily and go quietly. They still believe the federal government is theirs, and Trump is trying to steal it from them. They will lose this battle and it will be fun to watch. Thanks for reading and commenting, Jeff. Ed

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NY has decided to make the perfect the enemy of the good. Unfortunately, NY does not know what the perfect might be.

The answer ain't "blowin' in the wind."

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The Governors of NY and Maine will soon realize that challenging Trump is a losing proposition. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ed.

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Looking at EIA data for New England for the last 7 days…natural gas by far leading the way for electric generation to power the heat pumps and EVs with nuclear power a distant second. Renewables are a blip (comparatively).

Perhaps tun a test and shut down the gas-fired generation systems and see how long that lasts? Proof of concept is what some folks call it.

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You are correct. Natural gas is the preferred fuel for power generation all over the US, but when winter storms come in, the limited capacity of natural gas pipelines along the East Coast forces power generators to burn fuel oil. That is ridiculous since the massive natural gas deposits in the Marcellus Shale are right next door. With streamlined permitting under President Trump, a new pipeline could be in operation by next winter. Thanks for reading and commenting, Ronald.

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Doesn’t switching from fuel oil to propane make more sense for residential heating?? I’m pretty sure RFK Jr is the reason natural gas pipelines weren’t built in NY in 2011 when the fracking revolution was proven economical. In the 2000s a lot of natural gas heating was switched to electric in the South because the price of natural gas got so high hitting a record after Katrina and then almost record in July 2008…and then the economy imploded.

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