Great point about town gas and natural gas, Meredith. Yes, the "Gas Leaks" people are no doubt typing their anti-natural gas messages on their computers which are powered by natural-gas fired combined-cycle power plants. Doomberg is right on point.

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Thanks for the question, Bobby. Very good point you make. It appears that what California is doing about SB423 is ignoring it. Next they will argue that the bill doesn't say what it says. Thanks again, Bobby. Ed

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If human intestines make methane as part of the digestive process, is that natural or unnatural gas? Asking for a friend.

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Yes, thanks for question, John.

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The original reason it was called "natural gas" was to distinguish it from "town gas," an extremely toxic brew of chemicals made from coal. But town gas was the backbone of the "gaslight" era. Most people preferred town gas to oil lamps or candles. But not everyone they could get town gas.

I like what Doomberg says to people who try to get other people to give up fossil fuels:

"You first."

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There's nothing natural about wind turbines, there's nothing natural about solar farms, there's nothing natural about thousands of miles of transmission lines, there's nothing natural about golden eagles getting chopped in half, and there's nothing natural about turning thousands of square miles of landscape into wind and solar industrial parks.

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Nice work!

While we’re at it, let’s stop calling it a “transition” fuel. It’s just a dang good fuel that’ll be with us for many decades.

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Thanks Six Bravo. I agree. Some pro-natural gas PR people started calling it a transition fuel 10 or so years ago to try to appease environmental groups but they saw through it and never bought into that idea. Natural gas should now be considered a transition fuel back to sanity, not a transition fuel to something else.

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Couldn’t agree more with that last sentence.

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Interesting - I wonder what these jerks are doing about California SB 423 signed by Newsom in 2021 that proclaimed natural gas to be zero-carbon.


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Well, if we're honest, there's nothing "natural" about:

- birds singed in mid-air falling out of the sky b/c of utility scale solar (Ivanpah)

- birds being killed in collisions with "unnatural" spinning green crucifixes from coast to coast

- paving the Plains states with corn for gas booze (ethanol), not food

- the breathtaking view of high voltage wires strung between scattered forms of intermittent, diffuse expensive power generation sources called "renewable"

We could go on and on forever. Actually, we started our own Substack. And, we do.

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Thanks for the comment environMental. You are right on target. I just read some of your Substack posts and they are very well written. Ed

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