Yes, the Left does not have to pass legislation to undermine fossil fuels. They only need to let the bureaucracy do its job.

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Yes, Michael. All federal bureaucracies are totally corrupt. Draining the swamp will be a challenge but it can be done. Thanks for the comment, Michael! Ed

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Drain the swamp!

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Yes, Indeed, Al. That will be a good start! Ed

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What does that entail?

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Interesting article - as always, I enjoy your articles with a slightly different perspective from the norm.

Funny you would bring up the subject of sue and settle. I was just mentioning that that might be a good idea to direct at the renewables industry here in Texas since we have no regulations. What is good for the goose, is certainly good for the gander!

But once again I am on the wrong side of room on that conversation. But still working it over in my head as to how to do it!!!

Maybe the State of Texas needs to sue them since they have not brought about a transition, failure to deliver on a promise!! Ha ha... or that they still have not delivered reliable energy as they keep saying they can do.... only if they build enough... or they have more transmission... (another failure on a promise) or more.. or more ... mostly money!

I think they need to sue them for the Taxpayers - for the TEF, making the citizens pay for bank failure that the taxpayers have to cover just to have reliable energy! --- I'll keep thinking!!!

Somehow we need to get creative and stop lying down for the abuse of our rural lands and the useless energy they sometimes give us! Maybe when we get like Germany and industry (or AI) goes somewhere else they will rethink. But AI doesn't bring much in the way of jobs either, other than construction and computer equipment.

I certainly enjoyed life much more when I didn't know much about energy! Can't unlearn a darn thing either!!!

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JF, I think you are on to something! No question that "cheap and reliable" wind and solar has not (and will not ever) deliver what we were promised. I argued in an article last year that wind and solar generators should be required to provide reliable and dispatchable power by investing in their own battery backup. If they don't deliver the electricity that they promise, they get fined like other generators. But there may be a lawsuit in there as well. You should keep working on those ideas! Thanks as always for insightful comments. Ed

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drain the swamp

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I was a commentator across all fronts as the gas stove d3bate raged. I signed many petitions. In the end we got the DOE to compromise and pretty much took the teeth out of their regulation. While it still had some minor impact, 70% of the existing ranges and cooktops on the market were still compliant. That's a big step from less than 20% under the original proposed regulations.

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What are your thoughts on the US being at an all time high oil production under the Biden administration?

It seems to me that while it’s worth pandering to, and passing legislation for environmental causes, Democrats understand the power of the pump, in that gas prices have real effects on electoral outcomes. High gas prices are not good for winning elections.

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Sol, the U.S. oil and gas industry is at an all-time high level of production of crude oil and natural gas in spite of the Biden administration, not because of it. It is a testament to the resilience of the industry. The oil & gas industry has pushed forward regardless of all the negatives that the Biden administration has thrown at it, such as the "pause" on new LNG plants. That political stunt has caused unemployment in the pipeline and construction industries and disrupted supply chains, but the industry has continued to move forward. You are correct that the Dems understand the power of the pump but feel like they have to through a few bones to their anti-fossil fuel supporters. The US oil and gas industry has done an amazing job. Thanks for the comment, Sol.

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