The Feds want to take over the entire grid. Blackouts for all! Except for the favored ones on special isolated grids. The Left breaks everything.

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The biden administration - from the top all the way down to the lowest level staffer - have become emboldened to do anything in the power grab. The dream they have is to achieve their goal of totalitarian domination and destruction of everything that exists today. Their dream is simply unobtainable.

The closer to the voters for accountability, the more resistance the woke mob encounters. It’s time to not push back but kick back hard against the absurdity and thoughtless rules.

But remember, elections are coming up and elections matter and have consequences - that’s why we’re in the mess we’re in!

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Thank you for compiling this. I have shared it.

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Thanks, Jim. I appreciate you sharing it! Ed

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Not sure I understand how brazen the EPA are being given the recent SCOTUS ruling. Surely the WH know this too will be challenged and quashed

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I agree, Chris. But the WH doesn't seem to care about SCOTUS. They just try different approaches to get around their rulings. Ed

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The latest attack is against the SCOTUS. Our next to last defense on checks and balances.

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It is past time for the RTO’s to speak out. Some, like PHM have been promoting and bragging about the increasing renewables percentage instead of educating the public on the true facts of power generation. Missing are the messages like the Utilities of the 1960’s on “Living Better Electrically” and explaining where and how electric power is generated.

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Thanks for the comment, Dick. I agree. Most of the RTOs, EEI and others in the industry have been mealy-mouthed in their comments until now. Ed

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Mr. Blackmon....Everything you have said is true. Everything the grid operators said is true. Hydrogen goes through everything....the risk to every facility is a self generated explosion. This is not safe in any way. Wind and Solar are not reliable and the 25 year life panels are failing in 6-10 years. All suppliers including LDK, the worlds' largest, have declared bankruptcy in the last 10 years or so. That is what broke Silicone Valley Bank and First Republic. Look at what happened to Texas a few years ago when they hit 20 below ZERO.... solar and wind failed completely.

Hydrocarbons are our one of a few reasonable options for any energy source. Hydro works and is CHEAP but they are trying to knock down the dams right now! But we have real hope in the new technologies we have developed and TESTED! We now can turn coal or tar sands or oil shale or natural gas or CO2 instantly to gasoline, diesel and aircraft fuel with Star Wars Technology. We have done it!!!! We have built essentially pollution-less Corvettes, Cobras, Polaris's...with nearly 100% increase in fuel economy at highway speeds...and 150% increase in fuel economy at 25 mph. At idle we cut fuel consumption on the Corvette by 90%....you can put your hands in the exhaust without burning them it is so efficient. The energy goes to WORK, not heat. If you put your nose in the tailpipe, you don't taste anything, your eyes do not burn and you do not get a headache. We have worked with the best auto labs in the world in this development and testing program.

So have HOPE....we have the shown that hydrocarbon pollution can be eliminated, the air cleaned up and we can have affordable unlimited fuels forever. For example, Utah is the center of the 2 largest oilfields in the world. One coal deposit, the Escalante Staricase, has been 1/3 drilled and shown the 1/3 that was drilled & proven is 5 to 10 Saudi Arabia's....and Utah alone has 14 or more coal deposits of the same order of magnitude. That is just Utah! Think of what Alaska, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana bring to the table. We are #1 in everything! Let's go do this...and save our nation from the evil that is trying to gain control.....and bless our families and friends along the way.

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Thank you for the wonderful thoughts and comments, chemimagineer! Technology gives us hope. Ed Ireland

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Ed....thanks for your comment sir. Much of what I discussed is built into "Make America Great Again". The original plan was "Producing Our Way Back to Prosperity". We can literally show now how regulation has transferred 70% of all wealth to the upper 1% since 1970. David L. Walker, former head of the GAO, has done some fantastic work on showing wealth transfer since 1970....and it lines up with the regulations that have been added. It has been something to be able to see it all come alive...it has been in front of our eyes all the time....but hidden. Now it is obvious.

And why did they create all this regulation, especially since 1970, in the name of the environment? To seize the Wealth of the Middle Class and make sure that all allowed solutions are controlled by the ruling Elites. We have not even scratched the surface on resource utilization....we found the Oil Shale "rock" was worth more than the oil in it....it is/was the periodic table. And this is why I say "we have real HOPE". And if we all can work together, we can solve every environmental issue, eliminate the national debt and make it possible for families to own their homes....and not have the homes own THEM.

I am glad to share what I, my brother and our associates (including military intel) have put together...it really makes "Make America Great Again" come alive with real blesses for all people. Let me know Ed. Would love to hear about your work.....When we STAND together, we can make the United States of America an economic and production powerhouse once again. We need to think "NASA-big" in all industries....and regain the technology lead across the board like we had up until 1970! We have a nation to save....and people to lift up with real HOPE.

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EPA knows it’s destroying the country. That’s their assigned purpose.

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It certainly appears so, polistra. If EPA implements any version of their proposed rules, it will end up in the Supreme Court which will decide against them as before. Of course, that could take a year or longer, so lots of uncertainty unless the Supremes decide to intervene quicker. The uncertainty is very destabilizing. Its hard to imagine someone building a new natural gas-fired generating plant with the possibility that EPA rules could cut its useful life in half. Ed

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Ed....Their goal is to shut down the grid and stop farming/shipping/manufacturing at their whim...just read WEF info for all their plans. The military intel guys hacked some of their plans....nothing about the environment in it...all about bone crushing power and control

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You are totally right. Wealth destruction of the Middle Class has been its main target....to fulfill WEF plans.

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