Great article, keep 'em coming.

The environmental devastation wrought by EVs is truly stupendous as well.

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Thanks Tuco's Child. EV goals are central planning at its worst!

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‘Central planning has always failed.’ - truth. The reason the west succeeded was in large part due to economic freedom. Government interference is the opposite of innovation.

I agree that the EV transition will likely fall far short if it’s goals.

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Seems like the play now for the big automakers is to intertwine themselves so viciously with government subsidies that if they go belly-up (likely) they can just plead for more subsidies in perpetuity. What other strategy could explain it?

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You got it! The US auto industry is now effectively a state owned industry. You can bet that the administration has promised that they will never allow the auto industry to fail as long as they do what they are told.

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Little known by the public; During the Obama administration at least 33 energy debacles, the likes of Solyndra, were subsidies by billions of taxpayers dollars. The EV government subsidized programs are shaping up to be many times worse.

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Buildings the size of 60 fields

What types of energy would such buildings use for heating and cooling?

Electricity from renewables only? No gas?

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Correct, Keith. The power grids where these plants are located depend on natural gas to keep the grids operating. The industrial areas in those areas will need a new electrical grid which will require more subsidies. The gravy train will never stop unless somebody steps in to stop it.

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The US power grid is already obsolete. The grid system is mostly above ground and vulnerable to weather events, etc. It doesn’t make sense to continue to compound the problem. I believe small modular Gen4 nuclear power generation capable of recycling nuclear waste is a promising solution.

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It’s sad and true.

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