The EPA is either run by or influenced by people and organizations that hate America. The NGO’s such as Sierra Club, EDF, NRDC and many more have more $$$ than the private sector business. The environmental activist/Extremists NGO’s “business” is simply to weaken the U.S.A. by whatever means they can. In some cases they are funded by laundered foreign funds. The United Nations deserves special mention. It becomes apparent with very little research effort, the EPA policies and Rules are no longer about protecting public health or protecting the planet. I have posted dozens of links as references on my blog.

Thanks for another excellent post.

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You are absolutely correct, Dick. The EPA is not only failing to protect US citizens, but they are clearly attacking us. I feel confident the Supreme Court will rule against the EPA's rules because Congress did not authorize such actions but that could take years. In the meantime, investment decisions that should be made to grow capacity will be put on hold almost guaranteeing grid failures. Thanks for your comments, Dick. You are always right on point!

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Yes - are you beginning to feel like a victim in your own country.... me too! First time in my long life!

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Thanks for your post Ed.

We seem to be on "the highway to hell" as Faith Birol says - only this version of it will destroy

the US before anyone else has a chance to take a shot! (Thanks EPA, FERC... and many other non elected agencies)

The ERCOT interconnection list has been a talking point of mine for about 4 years now and it gets worse every year as seen here. What are we to do if the Energy Fund is not bringing in new gas... with incentives? Are we doomed to cheap and nasty Chinese solar, with a little wind on the side and a large dose of extremely expensive batteries to finish of the cocktail for disaster?

The transmission alone for all that could bankrupt a small nation and Texas is certainly bigger than most nations. They are really pushing for it and for interconnection to other grids.

When a bartender (AOC) and high school dropout (Greta) can shape our nation we are sure in trouble, so Texans need to do what they do best - demand better than this, from our politicians, but you have to stand up and do just that -start making demands! Time to fix this - not just another patch, then another because you can't decide what to do with renewables - if they aren't working for this state time to get rid of them. (I hate to say this but I will... for the greater good!)

We need reliable energy. We need real jobs, real education for skilled labor in this changing market. Texas needs to be the state they want to come to for skilled labor, reliable energy and not government brides to come and use taxpayers money just to be here and fleece the locals.

sorry for the long rant.... but not sorry....

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Well said, JF. You are totally correct. If federal energy policies don't change soon, we are in real trouble because all these ridiculous policies are interrupting investment decisions in our power grids. The Texas Energy Fund may help offset somewhat by providing low interest loans for the construction of new natural gas-fired power plants but the looming early end-of-life for base load natural gas plants that the EPA rules cause may be a hurtle too large to offset. Thanks for your comments, JF. Ed

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GHE theory fails because of two erroneous assumptions: 1. near Earth space is cold & w/o GHE would become 255 K, -18 C, ball of ice & 2. radiating as a 16 C BB the surface produces “extra” GHE energy aka radiative forcing (caloric).

Without the atmosphere, water vapor and its 30% albedo Earth would become much like the Moon, a barren rock, hot^3 400 K on the lit side, cold^3 100 K on the dark.

“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic & its legion of clones uses bad math and badder physics. 63 W/m^2 appears twice (once from Sun & second from a BB calculation) violating both LoT 1 and GAAP. 396 W/m^2 upwelling is a BB calc for a 16 C surface for denominator of the emissivity ratio, 63/396=0.16, “extra” & not real. 333 W/m^2 “back” radiating from cold to warm violates LoT 1 & 2. Remove 396/333/63 from the graphic and the solar balance still works.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules (60%) render a terrestrial BB (100%) impossible as demonstrated by experiment, the gold standard of classical science.

Since both GHE & CAGW climate “science” are indefensible rubbish alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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Great points on GHE theory, Nick. Fantastic summary. Thanks for posting it here. Ed

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Well, I’ve run out of options.

YouTube canceled me.

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That's terrible! You should consider writing on Substack. Ed

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Me and my BSME have been at this since 1989.

My family ran me off Facebook.

I quit LinkedIn after the “fact” checkers suspended me for two weeks.

X is nothing but mouthy trolls and bots.

MSN community is a running battle w its moderators.

Even Substack has problems w my numerous posts just vanishing.

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