Thanks for the comment, Merideth. Indeed NV is another example of your "Fatal Trifecta" for a grid and there will be more, especially with all the billions of dollars the IRA is throwing at wind and solar. I recall your comment on Robert Bryce's podcast that grids should be boring and that certainly is not the case anymore. Ed

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This is the most recent example of the action of "The Fatal Trifecta" for a grid. Fatal Trifecta is my name for a grid syndrome that has been repeated over and over, in recent years.

1) Overreliance on renewables, which stop and stop on their own schedule.

2) Back up by natural gas, which is delivered just-in-time through pipelines.

3) Overdependence on the neighbors, who are having the same weather your grid is having.

Green Leap Forward did a thoughtful post on the Trifecta. I am deeply appreciative.


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I would say, it almost cost the city of Las Vegas that much in revenue IF the city went down due to unreliable green energy

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That's for sure, RT. One hour of lost revenue in that city would pay for the natural gas-fired peaking plant for a year. Ed

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